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Neuro Shopper

What is Neuro Shopper?
Know your buyer and their purchase decision tree!

We establish precisely how are the most outstanding characteristics of the profile of your buyers, their natural reaction to your brand, and their competition we, can identify how are the purchase process of each of them and the performance of your packaging at the point of sale.


How to make Neuro Shopper?

We integrate advanced technology in Eye Trackers, EGGs, and biometrics along with traditional techniques (qualitative and quantitative) to be able to carry out accurate research at the point of sale.


Benefits of the
Neuro Shopper?

  • Analyze products on the shelves or gondolas.

  • Analyze the competitor's product.

  • Analyze advertising material at the point of sale.

  • Price analysis.

  • Analysis of emotions in the purchase process.

  • Neuro analysis of sales discourse.

  • Elements that interfere with the purchase.

Market research at Point of Sale:

  1. When consumers see prices, they experience a feeling of pain (automatic brain response) therefore you should make sure to show small prices to reduce this feeling and also create the impression that the price is not high.


  1. A commonly reported myth suggests that eye level obeys purchase level, which is not true since most research studies have shown that in fact, 10 degrees below eye level tends to be the best place to rank your product.


  1. Less personal space means A-brands, a study revealed that when an aisle was smaller, more A-branded products were sold. When the aisle was wider, more unbranded products (little-known brands) were sold. When invading people close to your personal space, you want to get out of there quickly. In this situation, we choose the products intuitively and go for the brands we know, which are the A-brands. On the other hand, when we have more space and more time to think about it, we could go for a more rational choice and bet on some unknown brand.

Flagship Stores: 

  • It corresponds to the most representative Store of the Brand.


  • They have the goal of providing experiences to customers.


  • They are usually larger, modern, and with strategic locations.


  • They allow you to generate an immersive and unique shopping experience.


Timeline of the
Research Project:


and field

Data analysis

Delivery of results






Day 1-3

Settings and field:

It corresponds to the initial stage of the Neuromarketing Research Project with NeuroLab Online we establish parameters, create the Tests / Tests and apply the tools.

Day 4-5

Data analysis and delivery of results:

It is time to quantify emotions and interpret brain data to obtain the best results to analyze your presence at the points of sale.


Tips to make your neuromarketing study

1. Research methods
Choosing the right research method for your type of research will always be the key to success and an excellent basis for powerful results.
Qualitative Research
For NeuroLab Online qualitative research is a fundamental aspect of the precise understanding of the relationship between the consumer and your brand, that is why we use different research methodologies when conducting our market studies, one of them is qualitative research.
Quantitative research 
In Neurolab Online we analyze in depth the reasons and motivations that lead the consumer to relate and connect with your brand through different types of research applied to neuroscience or neuromarketing such as quantitative research that allows you to discover, predict, evaluate and explain the position of your brand, product or campaign in the market. 
Neuromarketing Research
Neurolab Online has different scientific technology tools to analyze and quantify the emotional responses without verbalization of the participant, such as Eye tracking, Face Coding, and EEG among others.

Ready to transform your Qualitative and Quantitative Research with Online Biometric Tools or Neuromarketing?

Contact Us:

"We are the first Online Platform that brings together the most outstanding online biometric measurement tools" 

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