Face Coding Online
What is Face Coding online?
IIt is the largest tool to detect facial expressions and micro-expressions online and thus discover the emotions they produce in your:
Commercials or TV Spot
Web Pages
Political Speeches
What is Facial Expression Analysis in Face Coding Online?
It is an online Neuromarketing service that scientifically analyzes consumers' facial expressions and emotions. We use the most sophisticated and robust techniques for the analysis of facial micro-expressions, that together with a set of artificial neural networks of powerful algorithms, allow you to make a recognition of emotions and their respective valences that strengthen your Market Research.
What is the Facial Expression Analysis in Face Coding Online for?
Face Coding Online serves to evaluate the level of acceptance or engagement that advertising campaigns or television commercials have through the deep analysis of facial micro-expressions and identifies the types of universal or basic emotions described by the scientist Paul Ekman: Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, Disgust and Contempt.
What are Facial Expressions?
Facial expressions or analysis of emotions according to Paul Ekman are all those lines or folds that are generated in the skin of the face caused by voluntary or involuntary movements of the muscles behind it. Its main function is to transmit information to other humans through non-verbal language.
The movements of the muscles of the face can occur voluntarily and involuntarily. Voluntary movements are associated with conscious facial expressions that originate at the cortical level. Involuntary movements are usually emotional expressions that are generalized in the subcortical nucleus.
What types of facial expressions or emotions are there?
Disgust and Contempt.
The research of scientist Dr. Paul Ekman revealed that 7 basic universal emotional expressions are:
What are
Dr. Paul Ekman is considered by many the father of micro facial expressions which according to him, are a type of short facial expressions that can last between 1/15 and 1/25 fractions of a second and that reflect in a non-conscious way the emotional reaction that the person has at a specific moment.
What are FACS?
FACS stands for Facial Action Coding System and refers to the human emotion coding system adopted and promoted by Dr. Paul Ekman.
This system seeks to identify and classify the movement of expressions given by the muscles of the face that contribute to emotional recognition through the study of facial expressions and micro-expressions.
How can I identify a feeling with Facial Coding?
Following Dr. Ekman's theory in which he assures that there are 7 universal emotions, certain patterns or characteristics of the micro-expressions can be specified which become the basis of the reading of these gestures:
It can be recognized when the corners of the lips are back and up, there is a contraction of the muscle surrounding the eye and an elevation of the cheeks (Castillo, 2015). This emotion is analyzed by the Face Coding tool and is classified as positive
This emotion is evident when the raised eyebrows appear, accompanied by the eyelids, horizontal wrinkles are shown on the forehead and the mouth is open, but without tension in the stretching of the muscle (Castillo, 2015).
Anger is expressed when the eyebrows are low and contracted at the same time, the look is reflected in a tense and hard way, the lips can be continuously tight or open and tense. In addition, the pupils may be dilated (Castillo, 2015). It is also categorized as a negative emotion.
This expression qualifies as negative, in which "the eyebrows take an upward angle and the eyelids droop. The lips stretch horizontally and frown" (Cebreros, 2014).
This emotion consists of the maximum elevation of the upper eyelids and the tension of the lower ones. In addition, the eyebrows are raised and contracted at the same time, while the lips also contract and become tense (Cebreros, 2014). For this reason, this emotion has a negative value.
It can be characterized by the puckering of the nose, the upper lip is raised and the eyes narrow (Cebreros, 2014). This emotion is also categorized as negative.These emotions are used in Face Coding Online to see the impact of visual stimuli. Additionally, this tool calculates emotional valence, which indicates whether the overall emotion is positive or negative. On the other hand, the Arousal measures the intensity of the emotion. This is how ads positively and successfully communicate their messages to the audience and consumers.
High levels of accuracy.Immediate results.
Own algorithms validated by years through the thousands of advertising pieces tested.
Elimination of activities that do not add value to the test: schedule sites, agendas, refreshments, displacements of participants, etc.
24/7 availability: allows participants to enter from the privacy of their home at the most appropriate time.
Online integration with other tools such as biometric interview (BRI).
Eye tracking online (ETO), implicit association test (IAT) and Self Report and others.
Benefits of
Face Coding Online
How to do a Face coding Online?
We upload the images, videos or URL of your Brand to the Platform and send a Link to the participants.
We record and analyze their facial expressions while they do the task.
A report is sent with strong insights that come out of our algorithm: "Emotional Performance Score"